"Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that you can make anything happen."
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

What is Energy Medicine?
When working at the energetic level, we look at the vibration or resonance of the particles that our cells break down into (their smallest parts). When we are healthy, thriving and engaged - these particles have a high and vibrant vibration. Thus, the physical body works more efficiently, we have great energy levels and easily connect to feelings of joy, contentment and compassion.
If we are sick, injured, stressed or disconnected from life - our particles vibrate at a reduced rate. This could relate to specific parts (organs, endocrines, muscle, meridians, etc), or the physical body as a whole. When we have a lower vibration our body does not function as well, our energy levels drop, and it is easier to feel sad, angry, judgemental and defeated.
The wondrous body has its own natural and innate ability to heal itself. When we have a cut, we don’t tell our body what to do, it innately gets to work. Diminished vibration decreases the body’s internal lines of communication and capacity to self heal. Through various techniques and research blending Eastern and Western philosophies - Energy Medicine aims to restore and harmonize our vibration, thus increasing the body’s own ability to be its best self and thrive as nature intended.
All Energy Medicine sessions take into consideration the whole individual - mind, body and spirit/soul.
As these elements of ourselves are not separate or isolated from the other. We are a complex and integrated whole, our health unfolds from a deep harmony within all levels of self for both
humans and animals.

Energy Medicine for Animals
I absolutely love working with animals and their humans!! My energy medicine practice started with humans and over the years has really flourished and grown into working with their animals too. Offering services for both, along with a workshop designed to deepen our connection to the animals that join us on our path.

Energy Medicine Session
In-Person Session
Distant Session -
Energy Medicine for Animals
In-Person Session
Distant Session -
Conscious Connections
At the Farm Workshop
July 2023